Who Are We?

MISSION4STEM Founder - Aalind Tyagi

Image of Aalind

Hey everyone! I'm a current junior at the Georgia Institute of Technology, with a boundless passion for giving back to others in the form of knowledge. My goal for students is to take advantage of everything this website has to offer, and will have to offer in the future. This is an exciting opportunity for me to do what I've always loved: teaching exciting concepts in STEM. The best part? I'm partnering with some of the very best people I've worked with to develop a wide range of free, open-source courses of superior quality. Feel free to link up if you're a student interested in teaching a course!

MISSION4STEM Instructor - Griffin M. (FRC 1923 Prog. Captain)

Image of Griffin

Hi, I’m Griffin! I’ve been an FRC programmer for 4 years on team 1923. I started my FRC journey with zero Java experience, and now I’m the Programming Captain on my team. I’ve learned a lot getting to where I am now; my main goal now is to pass that learning down.